Monday, October 24, 2016

7 Pottage and Trebuchet Video

It has been a fun and fantastic week in 7th grade these last weeks. We have castle projects going on, trebuchets being launched, presentations being presented, and food being cooked and served.  

Here is a video of the Trebuchet Launch:  Trebuchet Video

Below are some photos of Pottage being made for Renesance Night food.  Pottage was the classic commoner food duirn the middle ages, and is made with cracked wheat, almond milk, and water. Students ground the wheat and made the almond milk from scrath.  

The wheat and grinder.  Whole grain wheat on the right, cracked wheat in the middle, and whole wheat flour on the left. 


Students grinding wheat: 

Wheat being cooked with water to make a cerel.  (think Cream of Wheat cerel, but more oatmeal like in grain size).  Recipe HERE

Chris adding Almond Milk to the wheat, and then he added water to make it soupy.

Almond Milk Recipe HERE.

We also ate up some Cracked Wheat Cerel and served it warm with almond milk, cinnamon, butter, and brown sugar - it was super YUMMY!

Indeed - it has been a good week. 

-Mrs. Hubbard

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